20/May/2024 - National Amateur Over 30 Latin

Organizer: NDO / Dutch-AL
Master of Ceremony:
A: Biersteker, Jan  Netherlands 
B: Durme, Gudrun van  Belgium 
C: Kluver, Gerard  Netherlands 
D: Pondman, Sander  Netherlands 
F: Wensink, Gerrit  Netherlands 

Result of the Final
Rank No. Couple Country
1. 295 Rene Boerboom & Marjolein Blom de bruyn Netherlands
2. 292 Tijs Smulders & Mariska Smulders Netherlands
3. 296 Serhiy Kalyhin & Lidiya Kalygina Netherlands
4. 294 Lars Stevens & Christel Van den Bosch Netherlands
5. 297 Wybe Vonk & Caroline Hanke Netherlands

  Double Final
No. of couples danced 5
No. of couples set -

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